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Site specific work finished in 2011

“È pascolo dell’animo la contemplazione della natura”
“The contemplation of nature is food for the human soul”

Processing: modelled land, stones, lawn

Dimensions: 40 x 60 m

A radical transformation of the landscape. The impenetrable “forest” of palm trees was uncovered, cleaned and pruned effectively modifying the levels, transforming the site and allowing for a single vision of the landscape. Stones to sit on, spaces to meditate, highlighting the stone walls, this section of the garden represents a happy synthesis between a traditional and a contemporary interpretation. The lawn and the palms dominate, the indigo tones of the plumbago and of the pink geraniums frame the unique movement of the green. Plastic forms alternate with antique stones and red porphyry marble, white and “peperino” marble. Stone and lawn, lawn and stone, modelled into fluid forms, alternating with careful research, creating harmonious curves. A depiction of water drops at the centre of the ancient irrigation well, underscoring the symbolism of water. Water is the “ab initio”, the vital breath; it represents the “prana,” gift of the sky and symbol of vitality and fecundity. Instrument of ritual purification, existing in the heart of wisdom as the source of knowledge. Cosmogonic symbol, source of spiritual regeneration, leading to eternity.
The land moves in waves, recalling the energy of water, designing a sea of green, introducing a dialectic with the nature of past memories. A kind of contemporary passage “béodo” that invokes the obsolete traditions and inaugurates the modern use of the nature’s spectacle.

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