46 Dalhousie Square
Dalhousie Square, the heart of Calcutta, is one of the villages from which the city was born.
Dalhousie Square, the heart of Calcutta, is one of the villages from which the city was born.
In the microcosm of Understudio, the spatial incursions of Maria Dompè become "domestic landscapes": not just a physical place but spiritual as well.
On the 21st of March, 2005, the American Academy in Rome was invaded by a site-specific intervention by Maria Dompè: an artist who intervenes in an environment with a profound humanitarian vocation.
For the 2004 edition of Arte Sella: "Incontri internazionali arte e natura", Maria Dompè has realized an incursion about the planet's water emergency.
Campo Fossoli, a place with a particularly painful history, has a strong personal significance for Maria Dompè.
Maria Dompè created for the park of Poggio Valicaia at Scandicci a suggestive environmental incursion, in empathy with the appeal launched by Alain Simon.
In March 7, 2003 Maria Dompè was invited by the Assessor for Cultural Politics and Equal Opportunities for Rome\'s government to realize a site-specific work in the Piazza del Campidoglio.
After a year Maria Dompè renews her participation in the anniversary, January 27th, of the liberation of Auschwitz.
In January 2001 the oil tanker, Jessica' ran aground on a sand bank in the Galapagos archipelago, spilling the petroleum from it large tanks into the sea.
The idea of transit, the passage of people and of things, is particularly pertinent to the space chosen by Maria Dompè: an abandoned industrial structure which is part of a larger building that is destined to be transformed into a large commercial space.