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59 Carla Panicali’s Bag

A symbolic object: a “bag”: an allegorical container of ideas and cultural ideas that could hardly contain the intellectual effervescence of Carla Panicali.

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57 Il Giardino di Irene Brin FOTO 5

57 Il Giardino di Irene Brin

Un invito raccolto dall'artista Maria Dompè, a trasformare uno spazio inaccessibile, già coltivazione di palme, in un sito dedicato alla fruizione della cultura del verde.

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56 Japan Courage FOTO 4

56 Japan Courage

In a controversial and debatable edition of the Art Biennale of Venice, chaotic and consequently at odds with the appreciation of the content, Dompè ensnares and annihilates the visitors with the simple purity of an image.

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50 Aung San Suu Kyi FOTO 1

50 Aung San Suu Kyi

Icon of democracy and peaceful protest. Aung Sang Suu Kyi, held for twelve years as a hostage by the Burmese military, survives like a flower in a winter frost: crushed by violence, but uplifted by the power of ideas.

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35 A Gao Xingjian FOTO 3

35 To Gao Xingjian

The idea of transit, the passage of people and of things, is particularly pertinent to the space chosen by Maria Dompè: an abandoned industrial structure which is part of a larger building that is destined to be transformed into a large commercial space.

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01 Hymnem FOTO 2

1 Hymnen

The sculpture was created for the Visioni di Hymnen, a collective exhibition for which young Italian artists were invited to design original scenery for the music of Stockhausen.

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