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2009/2011 Sasso di Bordighera (Liguria – Italy)
Permanent environmental intervention



57 Il Giardino di Irene Brin FOTO 5

An invitation taken up by the artist Maria Dompè to transform an inaccessible space, where there were already palm trees, into a site dedicated to the realization of a green culture.
A demanding challenge to give a new face to the park inside of the residence of Irene Brin at Sasso di Bordighera. A project that has been realized over several years with the collaboration of a committed and sensitive team.
A non-traditional garden, completely remodelled, modifying the walking areas by creating levels with tons of modulated earth at different heights with sculptural and landscaped sensitivity. A work of art of significant dimensions: gracefully placed stone sculptures of varying shapes, modelled land with a grass mantle, which together make up an oasis of elegant contemporary scenography, a tribute to Irene Brin, a writer and journalist of undisputable fascination and style.
A garden: history stratified in the stone, a collector who with art intends to leave an outline of a family history, a continuity of intent in respect to all that Irene Brin has established. A spiritual testimony to renew with energy.
Sasso di Bordighera: a unique place, a uniqueness that comes from the strong connection with its inhabitants, attentive defenders of a tradition of care for urban environments.
With a skill for synthesis and total respect for the historical traditions of the “green” and above all for the place, Dompè creates a modern interpretation of the park. Joining dry walls with antiques stones, artistic modelling of the land with a floral contamination, ancient trees with marble sculptures, designing a garden of incisive power and fluidity. Harmonious green paths and intimate spaces to pause and to experience the seductive powers and equilibrium of natural forms. Traces of past memories: the garden, as the family defined this space, has matured its cultural fruits transforming itself into a garden of the spirit.

Virtute e Conoscenza Nosce te Ipsum Facilius Natura intelligitur, quam enarratur Angolo di contemplazione 1 Camminamento 2 Beodo 3 Soste di meditazione 4 Est pabulum animorum contemplatio nature
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